You need a modern partner who knows what to do, has the tools, and the strength to make it happen, no matter what.
When a politician is looking for a team to bring them to victory, that politician has a few uncompromisable requirements. The team needs to be world class. Wicked smart. Intensely focused. Willing to get their hands dirty, or very dirty. Experienced enough to know what strategies work and what strategies to avoid. To be all in, even emotionally. And this is precisely what our team is.
Here is what our team is not: we’re not a “body” shop where you pay people to sit around and waste their time by the hour. We’re don’t go around outsourcing your mission to the lowest salaried person that we could find. There are other groups that do that, and if that is what you want, then we’re not for you.
We do what it takes...
Words are important; and so is strength. Your words must be backed up by the intensity of the reality behind it....whenever it is necessary.
As much as we are obsessed with words, words are only half the battle, for words without actions are empty — and transparent.
Analytic & Creative...
The analytic & process-part of the team & plan isn't enough, all by itself....Merging Our Right & Left Brains
Rather, our logical, rational ability to coldly calculate what we need to do must be balanced by our wild creativity to come up with the strategies needed to make them happen.
We don't give excuses...
Making magic happen from nothing requires nothing less than the obsession and intensity infused into us by the universe....We just try to make magic happen.
What we do is more than just client work; it’s a passion and a life calling, as though we have been raised for this mission.
Meet our Team
Where does your name come from?
We choose our name, The Buffalo Group, for two reasons. First, the image of the buffalo resonates with us: they’re tough animals that fight loyally to the end, never flee, and usually win. They inspire fear in all the animals of the jungle… except their only predator, the lion. We aren’t the lions, but we work closely with the lions to make sure that what they need to happen, does.
But there’s a second reason we chose this name: the last names of the founding partners spell out B-F-F. So the fit is natural–and perfect. We briefly considered calling ourself “The BFF Group,” using the contemporary American teenage girl slang for “best friends” – because we also want to convey to our clients and potential clients that we are your best friend during the duration of our work together – but ultimately, we thought that image was too funy and doesn’t capture the deep intensity and focus with which we work.